お Shí Shì Chǔ Hǎi X... 福定町1802-23, 境港市 I-〒684-0042,...
Non appena avremo per お Shí Shì Chǔ Hǎi Xīn un menù da 境港市, li pubblicheremo qui. Nel frattempo, dai un'occhiata anche ai listini nelle vicinanze. O aiutaci, caricando un elenco dei piatti e delle bevande qui pubblicalo.
The set menu at Kaishin restaurant was listed as market price, but it included a whole crab, sa...
It was a popular restaurant, and since it was the year-end party season, I was worried that I h...
I visited the restaurant on Sunday around 2 pm. I had to wait a bit because there were group cu...
2年前に伺って久々の再訪です。 以前よりもネタが大きくなったのかなー 以前はパッとしないなーという...
ツーリング仲間と境港で海鮮丼を食べよう!ってなって行きました。 着いて30分位は待ってたと思います...