そば Chǔ Hè Zi 鶴子445, 尾花沢市 I-, Japan, Obanaza...
Non appena avremo per そば Chǔ Hè Zi una lista dei piatti da Obanazawa, li pubblicheremo qui. Nel frattempo, dai un'occhiata anche ai menù nelle vicinanze. O aiutaci, caricando il menù qui caricalo.
I enjoyed a delicious and refreshing serving of soba noodles at this restaurant. I ordered the...
It was incredibly delicious!! While there are many soba restaurants that serve delicious noodle...
I visited this restaurant after a few years. I ordered the soba noodles and duck soup, and they...
前から行かなければ行かなければと思っていたお店、遂に 田んぼの中に萱葺屋根といった佇まいは、まさ...
山形のソバにしては細めで、のどごしの良い印象です。 大根おろしのしぼり汁に麺つゆを注いで食べます...