Hamburger Di Pesce in Sunnybank Hills
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Città: Sunnybank Hills, Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown, Shop 30, Level 4, 661 Compton Road, Sunnybank Hills, Brisbane, 4109, Australia
Colazione, Adatto ai vegetariani, Porta via, Bambini
Il prezzo medio per Hamburger Di Pesce è:
6 €
Queste recensioni si riferiscono solo agli ingredienti menzionati.
I still make my fishburger so, in addition a few salat leaves (for the eye) and some ice panes (if the points allow;) on the idea with the dill in the majo I have not yet come - ingenious, I will think next time!
how about fish sticks with the same-made fish plant?
I'll give another one, sliced, spicy on it. has more bites. gruß mangnolienbloom