Lambrusco in Custines
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Città: Custines, 2 Rue De La Garenne, 54670 Custines, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Gruppi, Ristoratore, Menù per bambini, Parcheggio gratuito
Il prezzo medio per Lambrusco è:
7 €
Queste recensioni si riferiscono solo agli ingredienti menzionati.
as I said, you can also make this bowl a bit harder by adding around or wodka. but so it is a really light and very tasty bowl. lg tanja
the bowl has arrived great at the evening of the cub. I've been in the sky. the next time the bowl is finished with harder. they're really drinking away.
I'd like to believe you e-mmes... I'm glad you enjoyed it. lg tanja