Bastoncini Di Mozzarella in Austintown

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Città: Austintown, 5555 Mahoning Avenue, Austintown, United States Of America, 44515
Bastoncini Di Mozzarella
Bastoncini Di Mozzarella
Bastoncini Di Mozzarella
Bastoncini Di Mozzarella


Il prezzo medio per Bastoncini Di Mozzarella è:
7 €


Queste recensioni si riferiscono solo agli ingredienti menzionati.

It is hard to call these sticksSandwich is more appropriateI held them together with toothpicksThey are best hot out of the pan.

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they put a real twist into this tasty treat which cost $7.00 or more @ a restraunt i love them

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This is called "Mozzarella en Carozza" which means Mozzarella in carriagesIt is Italian and is similar to the American grilled cheese.

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Tempo di preparazione

Questo commento è per il ristorante El Delfin, Trujillo