Capesante in Hiram
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Città: Hiram, 37 Beatty Street, Hiram, GA 30141, United States
"I am recently here to try their fetters Alfredo and it was amazing!!! Definitely my new favorite Italian restaurant. Everyone who worked there was so..."

Il prezzo medio per Capesante è:
48 €
Queste recensioni si riferiscono solo agli ingredienti menzionati.
Loved this recipeI'm reviewing because I didn't see any reviews that said that they used large sea scallops, as opposed to the small bay scallops, which is what I did.
This was a dreadful recipeI am confused about why this was rated so highlyI have cooked scallops many times and this was very disappointing.
5 stars every time I make this recipe. Delicious, easy to make and delicious...did I mention that already?