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Contribuisci feedback(Traduit Par Google) 1502 La Piazza Steen Road on Aalst 6308 Hofstade-Alost, Liveau commerce and Hofstade n'avert, n'ava quide rérérérérée de rérérérérérérérérérérérérée de rérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérée de t t t t t t rérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérée ée t L'hospitalité italienne or Hofstade. Notre nez est immédiatement stimulé par sents du sud qui qui traversent la cuisine semi-ouverte du intestine modern etèligant and dénénégaséféféféféféfée. Ils apporté une carte d'aperitif séparée claire pour faciliter notre choix. (plats à partager également sur cette carte) Il n'y a pass the menu fixe corn un bon à la carte et suggestions dare you. And brass, une vine pure cuisine italienne, avec une touche the Chief Marsel BJ. Very kindly received by the team and the hostess Laila Lahlou. The Italian hospitality in Hofstade. Our nose is immediately squeezed by the Southern scents that go through the half-opened kitchen in modern-day radiant interior that still radiates the necessary cozy. They brought a clear aperitive card to calm our choice. (chuckles dishes on this card) There's no menu, but there's a nice a la carte and suggestions of the day. Shortly. _ Real. Pure Italian kitchen, with a touch of Chief Marsel B QJ.
(Translated by Google) Pure and tasty, pleasant setting and friendly service (Original view) Puur en lekker, leuke setting en bediening vlot en vriendelijk
(Translated by Google) Meeting and warm welcome. Well, that's enough to be copied. You can eat both inside and outside. Unfortunately, the smoker smell of the guests of the terrace has entered strongly. Management has done its best to do the best it could. The quality of prices is good. Less disturbed by waiting times because we were the first, but once a lot of people can add up. What to expect the bill. Nice interior. Very clean and pleasant toilets. It's worth it. (Original view) Afspraak gemaakt en vriendelijk ontvangen. Voldoende ruime menu. Zowel binnen als buiten kan men eten. Jammer genoeg kwam de rokersgeur van de terrasgasten sterk binnen. Bediening deed hun best het zo goed mogelijk te doen. Prijs kwaliteit zit goed. Minder last van wachttijden doordat we als eersten binnen waren maar eens veel volk kan hetwelk oplopen. Wat moeten wachten op rekening. Inner Leuk. Heel propelle en aangename groom. Waard moeite.
(Translated by Google) Fantastic experience in the heart of Dendermonde. Attention: It is strongly recommended to book for lunch, as the restaurant is usually complete until the last covered. Tasty Pizzas and delicious fresh pasta. The freshness of the dishes, highly prepared in the semi-open kitchen, is rightly found in all their dishes. Very good on the price-quality scale! General hygiene is on top! This also applies to toilets, which are often an indication of general hygiene in the restaurant. UPDATE 25/02/2022 pizza Hawaii is no longer available (Original view) Fantastische ervaring in hartje Dendermonde. Not op: Het wordt sterk aangeraden ook voor de lunch te reserveren gezien het restaurantje meestal helemaal gevuld is tot de laatste couvert. Lekkere pizzas en overheerlijke verse pasta. De versheid van de gerechten, die met kunde worden bereid in de halfopen keuken, laat zich terecht smaken in al hun gerechten. Zeer goed op de prijs kwaliteit schaal! Algemene hygiëne is top! Zo ook de toiletten, dewelke vaak een indicatie zijn voor de algemene hygiëne in het restaurant. UPDATE 25/02/2022 pizza Hawaii niet langer verkrijgbaar
(Traduit par Google) Pizza très savourous mangée (4 saisons) Service amical, intriguing agréable. Your reviendrai ici. Friendly service, nice to meet you interior. I'll be back here.
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