ContribuisciNessuna immagine da mostrare
Contribuisci feedbackWe spent a great time here, food to the top and super nice owner! See you soon!
(Translated by Google) Usually, when we make a day trip to Antwerp, we eat here. Always tasty, a lot of choice on the menu and a nice place with pleasant staff. I will certainly come back! (Original view) Meestal als we een dagje Antwerpen doen eten wij hier. Altijd lekker, veel keuze op de kaart en nette zaak met aardig personeel. Komen zeker weer terug!
(Traduit par Google) Nous faison's tout pour vous rendre heureux et vous offri la nourriture la nourriture la plus délicieuse, now vous vous vous duhtons etérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérér We do everything we can to make you happy and to offer you the most delicious food, we wish you admiration and honor your arrival in patiAlexandria.
(Translated by Google) Delicious African dish tasted in terrace in the center of Antwerp. (Original view) Heerlijke schotel Africa gegeten op het terras midden in het centrum van Antwerpen.
(Translated by Google) A place a little uncomfortable, but correct if you want to eat late in the night. (Original view) A slightly uncomfortable place, but OK if you want to grab a late-night food.