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Contribuisci feedback_ Forrétur furposega Ijúffengur lax meålón sérlega mjúkri segtri sósu merjoin yu kudu chumvark rérérér réréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréférérérérérérérérérérérérérérérlega s s s s s s s s sérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérérlega s s s séréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré Veisla fyrir muninn meug Dyrindis víni. AHowalréturinn var Iíka mjögägur, fallegur kalfabiti meowsitatri kartöflu jämsaisu. Eftirréturinn var Iíka orrega bragäggundur and éf hef ekki hugmy hugmy um huva íva íá íva var, etárthvamérème Carame. Ljúffengur matur, falls in sem viréttinn. _ _ I bought myself on the 3-course menu and I'm furiously happy with the choice! Fresh a bizarrely hot Salmon with melon and a particularly gentle sauce with something crummy that was hotter. A party for my mouth with delicious wine. Head dish was also very good, a beautiful piece of calf with sweet potato and delicious sauce. dessert was amazing too, but I have no idea what it was, something about Crème Caramel. Delicious food, beautiful wine matching the dish. Service is super kind, I went back the next day for a carpaccio and a baked cable with pesto! Can't wait to get back to the same restaurant.
Great atmosphere, delicious food and friendly staff! Every dish we tried was well balanced and seasoned to perfection, you can't go wrong. Staff is super friendly and helpful, and the vibe of the restaurant is very cool and comfortable. A great restaurant that does everything right with good value. Keep it up!
Þýt of Google) Fór hingað í nýlega ferð to Íslands, maturinn was fáberries and starfsfólkið mjög vingjarnlegt. Fráberriesir shamemtastærðir and virkilega bragðgóðir, við fengum meira að segja smá go glass and eftirrét þar sem ég átti afmæli. Myndi örugglega mæla með því þú elskar góðan mat! Upprunalegt) Went here on a recent trip to Iceland, the food was great and the staff were very friendly. Excellent portion sizes and really tasty, we even went a little glass of fizz and a dessert as it was my birthday. Would recommend if you love good food!
Þýtt af Google) Skapandi íslensk matargerð, matur mjög góður, aðeins hærra verð en allt í lagi fyrir Ísland. bore Table very close to the neighbors a little more privacy would be great) relatively quick handling of the guests, probably so that tables can be refilled has the advantage that the waiting times are quite short and we have spontaneously got a table even without reservation on a Saturday)
This was the best meal I had in Iceland. The food was excellent and the staff was extremely friendly and welcoming. They were able to accommodate our large group and had great recommendations for the food. The photos attached are of the set menu. The lamb was fantastic and the salmon was delicious. I highly recommend this small family-owned restaurant.