Carpaccio Di Manzo in Torino
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Il prezzo medio per Carpaccio Di Manzo è:
15 €
Controfiletto di manzo
- Qtà. 1 libbra (454g)
Olio d'oliva
- Qtà. 0.75 tazza (162g)
- Qtà. 1 unità (84g)
- Qtà. 8 unità (640g)
- Qtà. 1 cucchiaino (6g)
Grani di Pepe Nero
- Qtà. 1 cucchiaino (3g)
Formaggio Parmigiano
- Qtà. 0g
Erba cipollina
- Qtà. 0g
Queste recensioni si riferiscono solo agli ingredienti menzionati.
This was good but did not make very much. I would double it for 4 people next time. The sauce was very very yummy though!
Absolutely loved this recipe! It's become a regular in my houseUsually, I change something, make a recipe my own, but this one was perfect the way it is.
i must admit i relied on my old standard vinegrette conncoction but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for introducing me to beef carpaccio! i sliced the meat a little thicker and more rustic than